Ohlone Archery

Ohlone Archery is a membership based indoor archery range that aims to be welcoming for a range of skill levels, from beginner to expert. For members, we offer open shooting times, loaner equipment, and a safe and sociable space to learn. Membership includes recreational beginner and competitive advanced archers.

NOTE: Due to the limitations of our bales, we cannot support compound bows.


For information about membersip, see our Membership page.

Group Lessons

If you are interested in seeing what archery is about, we offer group lessons most Saturdays. Check out our Group Lessons page for more information.

Kids' Lessons

The group lessons are for adults 15+. See the Kids Lessons page for information about archery for youth at the range.

Pro Shop Services

We also host a pro shop that specializes in recurve/barebow/traditional archery supplies, including consignment. Our staff can make custom strings, custom arrows, or assist you with other equipment purchases. See our "Retail" page for information.


We have a variety of private coaches that operate at our range. See the "Coaches" page for information about the various available coaches.

Ohlone Archery is named as a tribute to the indigenous people of the Central California Coast who roamed this area with the bow and arrow for thousands of years before us. Ohlone Archery does not claim to represent the Ohlone People or their culture.